Test Post, Please Ignore

This is my first test post. I want to see what writing a post on Svbtle looks like. All in all, I’ve been a big fan of the simplicity of the platform – reading different posts on it while browsing Hacker News, and I’ve considered re-creating something similar to it in PHP to transition my own blog to.

But now that it’s open, I think I’ll just stick with using it, and start transitioning my professional writing over to it. Just about everything on my technical blog is out of date, and my personal blog is post-less (and will remain that way, since I no longer see a need to write too much about my personal life).

All in all though, it looks like a terrifically wonderful platform for writing and I can’t wait to see how this post turns out.


Now read this

How Swatches Work [Magento EE 1.14.1]

Magento Enterprise Edition 1.14.1 was released today, and with it came the very nifty feature of Swatches! My team was very interested in figuring out how to manage and utilize this new feature for our clients. The first thing that we... Continue →